Benny's World

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Opportunity Rocks at Dartmouth

HANOVER, N.H. -- Former Sen. John Edwards on Friday urged students at Dartmouth College to rise up and face the challenge of poverty."There's a reason that I'm not in Washington, D.C. It is because I am not going to count on the politicians to do this," he told the students. "What we're going to do is we're going to rise up and be heard and start a grassroots move in this country. It's you that can do something about this."

LINK to video, courtesy of WMUR.

JRE's appearances have had more students show up than signed up for tickets, which tells me he's got their attention. Even some students who voted Republican believe this is a great cause.

I think this tour will definitely stir a lot of interest. One of the millennials' psychographics is that they tend to want to work on projects together, so a Habitat for Humanity house building is likely to appeal to them.

I love it when John dresses more casually! There goes week one...more to come this next week with the Project Opportunity tour.


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