Wes Clark's Son Trashes John Edwards on Daily Kos
"I understand the appeal of the (your candidate here)/Clark ticket. It's meant to shore up the resumes of candidates with no foreign policy or military experience.
As for why an Edwards/Clark ticket won't happen? I think the man is a snake oil salesman who would ruin the country.
"Apes don't read philosophy." "Yes they do, Otto, they just don't understand it!"
by WesClarkJr on Sun Aug 20, 2006 at 02:12:01 PM PDT
When I asked him if he was Wes Clark's son, he claimed he was.
"Are you WC's Son?
Benny05 on Sun Aug 20, 2006 at 03:29:45 PM PDT
"Apes don't read philosophy." "Yes they do, Otto, they just don't understand it!"by WesClarkJr on Sun Aug 20, 2006 at 04:03:26 PM PDT"
I found this interesting as most Clarkies as ardent supporters and often the first to trash JRE. Wonder if his dad has been overly critical of JRE in private and that's why the bashing keeps going? I hope not.
I've never been critical of Clark.
Update: August 22, the continuation of the trashing of JRE on the DK:
Wes Clark, JR:
A couple things led me to believe this. First, I believe he is fundamentally dishonest. During the campaign when he questioned my father's integrity with the Hugh Shelton smear. His next smear was that my dad was somehow beholden to lobbyists and that lobbyists were destroying our political system (he neglected to tell his audience that his campaign manager was a HUGE lobbyist or that he raised enormous sums of money through the trial lawyer lobby. But what sealed the deal for me had nothing to do with politics.
A friend of mine hosts a movie show. Celebrities come in and talk about their favorite movies for the promos and interview sections. During the 2004 campaign season, Edwards was a guest. He asked him what his favorite classic movies were and Edwards drew a blank. He couldn't name one. He asked his aide what he thought. The aide recommended DR STRANGELOVE and then Edwards asked the aide what it was about. They restarted the interview and Edwards basically repeated what the aide just told him. Yeah, so the guy lies about movies he's seen, big deal. But what disturbed my friend was how Edwards put on such a convincing performance about not only seeing but loving the moving (which he'd hadn't). He put on such a great performance that Slate did a story about his movie choice and how it somehow told us so much about the depth and wisdom of the candidate that he picked Dr. Strangelove. Maybe you don't have a problem with a President who is a convincing and enthusiatic liar about the little things in life. But my experience here on Earth tells me that if people lie about the little things, they'll lie about the big things.
As far as what kind of President he'd be? America right now is approaching the most dire geopolitical moment in its history (WOT, Iraq, Afghanistan, nuclear proliferation, peak oil and gloabal warming). I fail to see how a personal injury attorney with no executive experience and half a term in the Senate is going to guide us through it.
Tags: John Edwards, JRE, Wesley Clark, Wesley Clark Jr, Daily Kos, bashing, trashing
Somebody says he's Wes Clark, Jr. and you believe him?
ErikBlaine, at 9:57 PM
According to old time Kossacks, Kos checks out the authencity of those who post their real names. Others at the DU believe it is him as well.
Normally, I don't shout out like this, but it is high time that the Clark organization, including his family, use some better discourse, when talking about any competitor. Clark Jr's comments were totally out of line, and I hope his dad will say something to him about it, especially if Clark wishes to run in 2008. To me, Clark is a good patriot, but his son needs to learn how to speak with politique. It hurts his dad when he makes these kinds of comments.
benny06, at 9:55 AM
the guy might be named Wes Clark Jr. of which there may be several thousand in the country, but I would let Kos or Wes Clark himself confirm it.
That said, every family has a couple members who are uhhhh not with the program. There's a Bush ex-sister in law for instance who has said things about family that are fairly out there. There've also been several members of the Kennedy family who have done and said odd things, one of them is my governor.
Chancelucky, at 9:44 PM
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