This and That

Convincing Iowans will be very different. Perhaps he
Meantime, it's been rumored at Capitol Fax Mike Madigan, Speaker of the Illinois House of Reps, is trying to help Sen. Barak Obama along by attempting to move up the primary from the 3rd Tuesday in March to Feb 5. The Illinois State Board of Elections is where...Chicago. But he will have to convince Dems at the DNC Feb 1-3 meeting this can be done, considering it's been set in stone for some time where the first primaries and caucuses would be and when.
Well, sure it would help Obama in that the 3rd Tuesday is generally spring break and might help GOTV, especially in Chi-Town. But it might help other candidates too, such John Edwards, to get the young voter's attention. Edwards has the most techie organization for this race...and I think he can find ground booters too, especially some of us in downstate Illinois.
Meantime, you can catch JRE on Larry King Live tonight, and on Jay Leno too. It will be fun to see JRE's reaction to John McCain's doctrine on LKL.
Labels: Barak Obama, benny's world, Chris Dodd, Illinois, John Edwards, Mike Madigan, Presidental Race 2008
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