Benny's World

Friday, February 08, 2008

Changing of the Logo: Edwards Independent

I discovered today that Redjet has another logo up on Cafepress. I think that speaks for me. I will vote and help Progressive candidates or ones that I think will serve my interest in justice. I got interested in the Democratic Party because of John's vision for making government more effective and to work best for all of us. The Democratic Party doesn't seem to share that view, and I think he was asked to step aside. Of course, JRE knew he couldn't win either.

So while I will side with the Democrats most of the time, I'm not opposed to voting Green Party either, as I did in the governor's election in 2006.

As JRE said many times, I love the Democratic Party, but I love my country more. And that sums it up for me: I love my country more than I do any political party.

"I am a Patriot"

Sung by the Burns Sisters, written by Steven Van Zant. Footage from Camp Casey near Crawford, TX.

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