Benny's World

Saturday, December 31, 2005

How Many Husbands Does It Take to Make a Handyman?

From the OAC Blog...

"The freezer door wouldn't close, so we got a repairman out, who diagnosed the problem right away. He asked me on the phone if my husband is handy. I told him no, but that my next husband would be. He asked how many husbands I expected to have. I told him as many as it took to get a handy one."

The story told by Elizabeth Edwards is comical as it like many good entertainers, one can make humor out of the mundane.

Read the rest here for the context.

One blogger responded to Elizabeth's post:

"Happy New Year to you, Elizabeth, to the Edwards family, and to all readers and contributers to "One America". JRE may not be "handy" when it comes to repairing stuff around the house, but I believe he is a man who could be "handy" at making a start on repairing what is wrong w/ our country today. "

I quite agree.


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