JRE Buzz (20)
JRE was in Hendersonville, near Ashville, celebrating the accomplishments of the three organizations benefiting from the hot dog lunch fundraiser - Habitat for Humanity, the Housing Assistance Corp. and the Mainstay women’s shelter...and doin' a little stumpin' for Heath Shuler, who is running for Congress.
Interestingly enough, the two men are pretty different about most social issues, but not on giving more tax credits for those in poverty. Mr. Shuler called for a $1,500 tax credit for new homeowners.
AP also published an article, and it's being picked up several places. Among the last paragraphs read:
Several supporters at the rally Tuesday wore "Edwards 2008" campaign buttons, but Edwards reiterated that he hasn't decided on whether he will make another run for president. In recent months, he has repeatedly visited Iowa, home of the first party primaries.
"It's something I'm still strongly considering," Edwards said.
Edwards will be speaking in Columbia, SC to SC Dems tonight, stumping for Spratt and Clyburn.Meantime...
Edwards issued an e-missive to petition our government to push NATO to stop the slaughter in Dafur:
Many times I have asked for your help, and you've come through every time. Never before have I asked for your help on a matter of life and death. Before one more child is tortured, before one more woman is raped, we must urge President Bush to lead the effort to create a NATO force to stop the genocide in Darfur.Sign that petition!
Sudan began a genocide against tribes of small farmers in its Darfur region three years ago. Militia groups backed by the Sudanese government have slaughtered an estimated 400,000 people and driven 2.5 million people from their homes. U.N. troops are on their way, but will take at least five more months to arrive in Darfur. NATO forces -- if the U.S. stepped up to moral leadership -- could end the conflict immediately.Tell George Bush to lead the effort to create a NATO force for Darfur NOW at http://oneamericacommittee.com/action/si gn-petitions/email/darfur_oac.
Funny things one notices on the Net...just ankle bittin' snarks..
EDWARDS WATCH [Kate O'Beirne]--from the Corner on National Review Online..
A few updates from my selfless efforts keeping an eye on John Edwards so you don't have to. The former senator has been in Connecticut raising money for Lamont, says Lieberman should get out of the race, and all his senior aides from the '04 campaign have signed on for '08. He has campaign organizations set up in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. The Democratic party has scheduled the South Carolina primary just a week after New Hampshire in 2008. Unlike in 2004, Edwards's native state won't be sharing the spotlight with a handful of others. His political PAC's website (confusingly called "One America") offers podcasts of his conversation with Jimmy Carter and has a special appeal to "citizen journalists." His children remain adorable. John "Two Americas" Edwards, who wants to be president of both of them, is working it hard — he bears watching even if we can't bear watching.
Bear watchin' what, Ms. O'Beirne? An all-around Presidential candidate, who is incredibly smart, visionary, great family, experience as an entrepreneur, a lawyer, a business man, and now more than ever, statesman, who happens to have rock star status? I suggest to interested bloggers check here if you don't wish to keep up the "Edwards Watch" at the Corner, check here. I do a pretty decent job of keeping up with a 53 year old man with the energy of a 40 year old...although, it's a challenge. He's everywhere! Also check the One America blog for JRE News Round-ups, including another CJ report coming from the Hendersonville rally this evening.
Update, August 23...This just in...
Jim Davenport of the AP reports from Columbia, that...
I believe him. He's our next president.
More news from Hotline, National Journal..."Meet the Other Dem Front Runner"
You can download a mp3 of the Shuler event here. Choose the wav file. The other ones don't work.
This just in...
Video of the Henderson Democratic Party event of Schuler and JRE.
More pics of Shuler and Edwards, courtesy of Tim Peck on Bubbleshare (new plog site)
More buzz l8tr...
Tags: John Edwards, JRE, Henderson County Democratic Party, Hendersonville, Ashville Citizen-Times, Heath Shuler, housing, Benny's World, One America Committee blog, Columbia, SC, SC Democratic Party, Tim Peck, NCDem, Nan, Bubbleshare
Bear watchin' what, Ms. O'Beirne? An all-around Presidential candidate, who is incredibly smart, visionary, great family, experience as an entrepreneur, a lawyer, a business man, and now more than ever, statesman, who happens to have rock star status? I suggest to interested bloggers check here if you don't wish to keep up the "Edwards Watch" at the Corner, check here. I do a pretty decent job of keeping up with a 53 year old man with the energy of a 40 year old...although, it's a challenge. He's everywhere! Also check the One America blog for JRE News Round-ups, including another CJ report coming from the Hendersonville rally this evening.
Update, August 23...This just in...
Jim Davenport of the AP reports from Columbia, that...
Edwards is a good draw in South Carolina, said state Democratic Party Chairman Joe Erwin after Edwards spoke to a crowd of more than 100 at an event that raised more than $20,000.
The crowd repeatedly interrupted Edwards' speech, which focused on rebuilding an America that the world looks up to again.
"With elections ahead this year, 'I want us to never forget what's at stake. It is not overstated to say the future of the planet, the future of the world is at stake,' Edwards said. 'It is. The world needs us desperately."
'There is a hunger in America _ a hunger to be inspired again,' Edwards told the crowd.
I believe him. He's our next president.
More news from Hotline, National Journal..."Meet the Other Dem Front Runner"
You can download a mp3 of the Shuler event here. Choose the wav file. The other ones don't work.
This just in...
Video of the Henderson Democratic Party event of Schuler and JRE.
More pics of Shuler and Edwards, courtesy of Tim Peck on Bubbleshare (new plog site)
More buzz l8tr...
Tags: John Edwards, JRE, Henderson County Democratic Party, Hendersonville, Ashville Citizen-Times, Heath Shuler, housing, Benny's World, One America Committee blog, Columbia, SC, SC Democratic Party, Tim Peck, NCDem, Nan, Bubbleshare
Thanks for stopping by and glad you are signing the petition, GA.
I'll be back to visit you too.
benny06, at 1:34 AM
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