Benny's World

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Overlooked Interview of JRE in Mizzou

In searching for JRE Buzz (24) Labor Day Edition, I overlooked a Ky3 News interview of John Edwards. Good questions asked by reporter David Catanese. Snarks in comment section, but that's to be expected when non-Dem bloggers are concerned that Edwards might run...and might win.

Here's part of the interview..

After all the hoopla on the stage at Springfield's Labor Day picnic, we got to interview John Edwards, as he stood beside Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Claire McCaskill to meet the press.

The following is the exchange I had with him . . . and her:

Catanese - Just two years ago when you ran here, you lost Greene County by 25 points. What's changed?
Edwards - I ran here as a vice presidential candidate, not as a presidential candidate, let me say that first. Second, I think what's changed is that the war in Iraq has become an incredible mess. The healthcare situation in America has gotten worse. There are millions more people in poverty than there were 2 years ago. Gasoline prices have gone through the roof. That's what's changed. And the world's view of America has gotten steadily worse over these 2 years. I think the mood in mid-America is we are better than this and people want to see it.

Catanese - Republicans recently put forward a proposal to repeal part of the estate tax and raise the minimum wage. Would you have supported that?
Edwards- No. I think we desperately need to raise the minimum wage but it shouldn't be tied to getting rid of taxes on billionaires. People like me, and Claire can speak for herself, are totally for exempting family farmers and small businessmen and women, so their families never pay the estate tax. But I'm not for having Bill Gates not pay the estate tax. Bill Gates, by the way, is not for having Bill Gates not pay the estate tax. What I think we ought to do is raise the minimum wage on its own, on the merits up or down, without being tied to something else. That was just a trick.


Link to Ky3 News story about the Springfield rally and video clip.

Tags: John Edwards, JRE Buzz, David Catanese, Ky3 News, Benny's World, Missouri, minimium wage


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