Benny's World

Sunday, December 30, 2007

5 Days to Go Until Iowa Caucuses

Today I will be posting videos, etc, as I find them, of the events in Iowa as EE and JRE are on TV this morning. I'm watching David Bonior on C-SPAN as I type.

Great pic from NYT, the handmade sign obviously done by a young supporter.

Iowans don't need fancy signs to show their support.

I saw JRE's (C-SPAN) RTH live in Boone, IA. Very upbeat event.

Video clip courtesy of NCDem. Q & A not included, but to let BW readers know, it lasted another 15 minutes or so. Contrast that to Madame Clinton, who took no questions after her session yesterday.

I wiped a tear or two away when John talked about when we stand up for the 37 million in poverty, 47M without health care, or the homeless vets, "America Rises."

On the C-SPAN segment in which EE was a guest, all of the phone calls to Elizabeth were positive, including 2 Republicans who said they would vote for JRE.

America is waiting to rise again.

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