Elizabeth Edwards About Her Cancer on Local TV
Elizabeth was interviewed this week on one of the local channels. My understanding is EE was also a speaker at one of the universities this week concerning her battle with breast cancer. As she said in the interview, cancer may win, but why give anymore days or time to that process.
Keep fighting the good fights, Elizabeth. Especially when you are asked your expert opinion on other matters such as bankruptcy legislation that is being considered for medical care expense reform.
Now we need it for dogs, cats, and horses. Vet bills are expensive, and often pets are members of our families too.
UPDATE: Indyvoter posted a link to a C-SPAN recorded testimony about medical debt.
That makes sense to me. I couldn't figure out why the news would ignore this important hearing in the story. I guess they got short on time.
Here's a link too to the written statement.
Great smackdown by Senator Franken about stupid data samples concerning cancer rates around the world--and the lack of correlation to medical debt.
Elizabeth also does a polite smackdown of Sen. Jeff Session's comments about foreclosures and different states' provisions on chapter 7. He didn't appear to understand what he voted for in 2005. I noticed he sought her out after the hearing.
Support Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's bill, Medical Bankruptcy Fairness Act of 2009. Senator Russ Feingold has requested to be a co-sponsor. It is S. 1624. Let's reform health care, not just health insurance.
JRE supporters may recall JRE was against the Bankruptcy bill in 2005, and here's why (from TPM Cafe).
Keep fighting the good fights, Elizabeth. Especially when you are asked your expert opinion on other matters such as bankruptcy legislation that is being considered for medical care expense reform.
Now we need it for dogs, cats, and horses. Vet bills are expensive, and often pets are members of our families too.
UPDATE: Indyvoter posted a link to a C-SPAN recorded testimony about medical debt.
That makes sense to me. I couldn't figure out why the news would ignore this important hearing in the story. I guess they got short on time.
Here's a link too to the written statement.
Great smackdown by Senator Franken about stupid data samples concerning cancer rates around the world--and the lack of correlation to medical debt.
Elizabeth also does a polite smackdown of Sen. Jeff Session's comments about foreclosures and different states' provisions on chapter 7. He didn't appear to understand what he voted for in 2005. I noticed he sought her out after the hearing.
Support Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's bill, Medical Bankruptcy Fairness Act of 2009. Senator Russ Feingold has requested to be a co-sponsor. It is S. 1624. Let's reform health care, not just health insurance.
JRE supporters may recall JRE was against the Bankruptcy bill in 2005, and here's why (from TPM Cafe).
Labels: bankruptcy, breast cancer, Elizabeth Edwards, John Edwards, pets
Mrs. Edwards testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on medical bankruptcy, two of her areas of expertise. C-SPAN covered it and has the video, at least temporarily, online at: Senate Judiciary Hearing on Medical Bankruptcy.
Her testimony is also available from Center for American Progress.
I read she was honored at a luncheon this week. Kudos to her and thanks for continuing to fight on behalf of those who are uninsured or underinsured. In the long run, health care reform will benefit those of us with employer provided insurance, too.
indyvoter, at 3:00 AM
Thanks, Indyvoter. The news story didn't quite make sense to me as to why EE would just agree with his view. Her testimony would inform him and us more.
benny06, at 7:27 AM
MSNBC was promoting the coming Women's Conference all last week. I heard a mention of Mrs. Edwards appearing so I found their site: http://www.californiawomen.org/
If women come together to demand action on health care reform, mountains can be moved. After all, women tend to be the primary caregivers and bear the burden of caring for children and parents.
I believe it's Tuesday and they'll be streaming some of it live on their site. Hopefully it will be covered by NBC and/or C-SPAN, too.
indyvoter, at 9:59 AM
Thanks for sharing the video! Here's the link to an AP photo I saw elsewhere that is too lovely not to share - Elizabeth Edwards
Anonymous, at 4:18 PM
According to news reports, PBS is streaming the conference live.
benny06, at 3:46 PM
If you didn't catch it, the video from the Women's conference is available online. Women's Conference video
Mrs. Edwards appeared at the lunch session. Forward the video to the later portion (approximately an hour and a half in) for the panel Mrs. Edwards participated in on grief, healing and resilience. It is very moving to hear all four women discuss the losses in their lives and how they were and are coping. A very helpful conversation for anyone dealing with a loss.
indyvoter, at 2:07 PM
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