Benny's World

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Diane Rehm Rocks

Diane Rehm may be the exception to any suggestions to EE that I have offered on this blog about women interviewers; Diane Rehm is solid, asking questions about areas others have covered, but less so in a pointed way.


It's clear that EE is comfortable with her, and I'm glad. Elizabeth shines on her own, but she can speak the truth with Diane.

Awesome interview.

Thanks, Diane, you seem to get it about marriage and personal tribulations.

Please listen to the interview: it's worth the time.

Update: here's the video clip of the interview with Chris Matthews. Matthews had a very different take; more about JRE as a political candidate.

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  • Resilience is #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. Congratulations Elizabeth Edwards!

    The radio interviews were much more thoughtful, perhaps because they are less focused on ratings and publicity. Of the television interviews, Keith Olbermann's was the best in my opinion and certainly the least sensational. Jon Stewart was a bit disappointing; although, he has not constantly taken cheap shots like some of the other late night hosts.

    Since Mrs. Edwards previously had a great deal of experience being interviewed by many of these same people, I suppose she had an idea of what to expect. I still feel bad for her in some of the mean spirited questions and comments she has faced.

    Once the interviews have all been completed, may Mrs. Edwards have a joyful break spending time with her family and friends pursuing the things (speaking on health care, running her furniture store, etc.) that interest her. Best wishes for continued good health!

    By Blogger indyvoter, at 5:16 AM  

  • Thanks for the radio interview link. I loved it when Elizabeth said the father of the baby should provide child support but doesn't owe the mother support! Maybe I was reading too much into it but I also heard a hint about the father being part of the baby's life.

    So it could play out that the mother establishes paternity and receives child support but loses part of her time with the child due to joint custody, which may also cut the amount of child support.

    As far as the mother getting a big payday, NO WAY! The tabloid claims she's going after the estate. Doesn't she have an attorney to explain no parent MUST leave money to a child? Even a parent with two children from his/her marriage, can legally leave all his/her money to one child and completely disinherit the other.

    She either lives in an alternate reality or has taken so many drugs her brain is gone.

    By Blogger Anonymous, at 8:00 AM  

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