Special Edition of JRE Buzz (15)

BW readers may recall on Thursday that Gallup did a poll of most acceptable candidates. Here's the link to Gallup's site about the poll.
Here is what the link did not tell us until Argus Reid Consultants' blog today reported that it was a joint USA/Gallup poll (taken June 26-29), in which the thread is entitled
Edwards Tops List of Likeable Democrats for 2008
Opening paragraph:- Former North Carolina senator John Edwards is regarded as a good presidential contender for Democratic Party supporters in the United States, according to a poll by Gallup released by USA Today. 71 per cent of respondents believe the 2004 vice-presidential nominee would be an acceptable candidate in the 2008 election.
Question: I’m going to read you a list of people who may run for the Democratic nomination for president in 2008. For each, please tell me if you would find that person to be an acceptable nominee for president from the Democratic Party.
Here's the rundown:
John Edwards | 71% |
Hillary Rodham Clinton | 69% |
Al Gore | 68% |
John Kerry | 59% |
Joe Biden | 44% |
Wesley Clark | 42% |
Howard Dean | 40% |
Bill Richardson | 36% |
Tom Daschle | 35% |
Russ Feingold | 29% |
Mark Warner | 29% |
Dennis Kucinich | 21% |
Tom Vilsack | 19% |
Well Senator, if you want to run again, please pass GO!
Update, July 23rd:
John Atlas of the National Housing Institute and Peter Drier of ACORN wrote a think piece on the World Prout Assembly site entitled " The Politics of Poverty: Can John Edwards make fighting poverty a winning platform?".
Edwards clearly believes that America is ready to elect a president who inspires idealism rather than triangulates with caution. He differs from the centrist wing of the Democratic Party in his strong support for unions and the importance of reforming labor laws to strengthen the right to organize. Whether or not Edwards wins his party’s nomination, his presence in the campaign will help shift the debate to a stronger focus on social injustice. With a fire in his belly, Edwards is hoping to prove that promoting an agenda of prosperity, opportunity and fairness can win the hearts and minds of America’s affluent, its beleaguered middle class and the working poor. If he’s correct, the son of a mill worker might become the next president of the United States.Note: This is retitled from a piece published in Common Dreams this past April.
Daniel Glover from the Beltway Blogroll (of the National Journal) had some complements for the One America site today. He wrote:
"I was just looking at the One America Committee Web site of former Democratic senator and presidential/vice-presidential candidate John Edwards and found this. It's a cool idea, one that other politicians would do well to mimick -- and one that I expect they will:
Through blogging, video blogging and podcasting, citizen journalists provide information and insights from many sources in addition to traditional media sources. We at the One America Committee embrace citizen journalism, and we encourage you to become a citizen journalist if you aren't one already."He wonders if JRE will give citizen journalists same access as regular ones. I think I'll post a note today on his site and tell him about Gnomedex. (smile)
Left in the West seems to think that with Nevada's caucus tenatively accepted to go before NH, Edwards will benefit since Nevada is Unite Here territory. Sounds like LITH wouldn't mind Edwards being the anti-Hillary candidate either.
And it appears that JRE did speak at the ATLA meeting last week. ATLA just changed its name to American Association for Justice.
Oh, I am remiss for not mentioning this sooner. Nan and NCDem at OAC have started a really cool project called People For Edwards yahoo group. There are 50 groups, such as IllinoisforEdwards, in which I will be coordinator for, once I have the time to get it going and see some more interest from Illinoisians. The project was mentioned on July 17th by the Resonate Partnership blog, one that I've penned about more than once here. Marianne, the host, seems to really appreciate Edwards' site because it really is all about social media and how to leverage it.
And then...
Just a tip that I was given offline by a bud. There is an article coming out this week in the National Journal entitled "Where's Edwards?" Despite the odd title, it is about the juxtaposition of HRC and John Edwards, in their approaches politically and perceptions of them by voters and supporters.
Here's the junky part about the article: it's not easy to obtain. You can pay $25 for a day to access the National Journal site as it is likely to be firewalled there. Here's my suggestion. Many libraries have a service called Interlibrary Library Loan or Document Delivery, and you can request the article (it's the July 22nd--I'll check for the exact citation l8tr). Another idea: many larger public libraries, state libraries, and larger state universities, open to the public, carry the journal, so you may be able to read it there and make a photocopy.
More buzz l8tr...
Tags: John Edwards, Presidential Race 2008, One America Committee, Democrats, polls, Gallup, politics, Benny's World, Argus Reid Consultants, JRE, John Atlas, Peter Drier, ACORN, National Housing Institute, World Prout Assembly, Beltway Blogroll, National Journal