Friday Edition of JRE Buzz (17)
This just in...
John Edwards was live chatting with OAC bloggers this afternoon, about an hour ago. I am going to post the clip in its entirety. Sorry I missed the fun live, but it's cool to see it anyway.
John Edwards: hey guys - we're driving thru NH on the way to a fundraiser for a state senator that's taking place by a lake. it's supposed to be beautiful. weather here is great!
nan: Hi Senator! This is too cool!
John Edwards: hey nan - where are you typing from?
nan: My computer at home in Wilmington, NC. Hot and humid here, enjoy the weather up there!
John Edwards: EE and the kids are going back to Wilmington today, and I'm meeting them there tonight.
nan: Nice, going to Figure 8?
ZeitgeistRover: Hi Senator! It is wonderful to see you get so active online. Can we expect some policy-oriented blog posts in the future?
Thread Opener: Senator, how is that connection?
John Edwards: yes - tell me what you want to hear about?
nan: I would like to hear about the middle East, possible solutions.
Left is Right: I don't want to step on ZR's toes but I am worried about the Middle East. I see Nan is too.
ZeitgeistRover: I'd especially like to hear more about your views on the American Education system (primary, secondary, post-secondary), whether you think it can train kids for the challenges of the 21st centuries, and what are some of your reform ideas...
nan: Excellent ZR.
ZeitgeistRover: I third the call on Middle East, too. And, you've talked about the need for universal healthcare. I was wondering if you have worked on some specifics of how to accomplish that? Seriously though, I'd love to hear your views on just about anything *grins*
nan: Me too, lol!
Left is Right: I second the *grins!
*nan: This reminds me of that E F Hutton commercial :)
Thread Opener: As an fyi, Sen. Edwards and Josh are in a car so the wireless connection might by spotty
ZeitgeistRover: He is gone *sighs
*Left is Right: left, joined, left, joined. I never left!
nan: Thanks TO! This is a huge treat!
John Edwards: i will be glad to tell you what i think about what's happening in israel, lebanon, iran and iraq, and also my ideas about what we should do about public education. briefly for now, it's clear we need an intl security force in southern lebanon and the actions of hezbollah and hamas are aimed at inciting radical islam. iran is clearly behind it since hezbollah is effectively an arm of iran. as to iraq - we need to make clear that we're leaving, and the best way to do that is to actually start leaving. we should withdraw at least 40,000 troops now, and instruct out military leadership to prepare a plan to have combat troops out of Iraq in roughly 12- 18 months. as for the schools, more investment in early childhood, better training for those teaching early childhood, starting early childhood programs earlier, and providing better health and nutrition support for those in the programs. incentive pay for teachers willing to teach in the most difficult shools in the most diffiuclt environments. and of course, smaller shool sizes. these are just a few ideas, and i'd be glad to do a longer policy post later.
Left is Right: thank you for the policy preview, it all sounds good to me.
nan: Thank you, that would be very welcome. Agree with your preview here.
John Edwards: we're about to arrive at an event where i'll speak and take questions. when we leave to head to the next event, we'll try to hop back on. thanks.
Left is Right: Thanks for the chat!! Have a great event.
ZeitgeistRover: Great. I look forward to a longer post (and perhaps a policy speech).
nan: Thanks! Safe travels!
Left is Right: Was that great or what!
ZeitgeistRover: Wonders of the internet... yup, that was great LIR ;)
nan: Awesome!!
ZeitgeistRover: I look forward to more such chats. Good luck typing, Josh!
He's da man!
Mbair just got back from Pittsburgh at the WakeUp Walmart Rally. She said he rocked the place, just as I reported earlier today.

Like to read the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's take on his visit? Here you go.
"We want every single consumer in America, every person in America, to know that if they walk into a Wal-Mart, that first of all their tax dollars are subsidizing Wal-Mart employees. Their tax dollars are helping provide health care for Wal-Mart employees, because Wal-Mart's not doing it. Their tax dollars are going to provide housing and food stamps for Wal-Mart employees," Mr. Edwards told a crowd of 400 at Hill House. "What is wrong with this picture?"

Well you know someone is a serious contender and a threat to the Rethugs when JRE makes one of the Freeper threads. They are so full of the kool-aid that they didn't understand a word he said.
Update, August 5: JRE was in NH late afternoon yesterday. The crowd had interesting reactions to him, according to the Concord Monitor:
"Some in the audience liked the man, but less so his chances in the next election.
"He has great charisma . . . and he's beautiful," said Therese Lane, of the Kendal retirement community in Hanover. But she and others said they were uncertain if he could win.
Others were enthusiastic backers, comparing Edwards idealism and focus on the poor with Robert Kennedy. One of the problems for Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry in the 2004 campaign was lack of a clear message, said Tom Oppel, a political consultant who lives in Canaan. "That will not be a fault of John Edwards."
Right on, Brother Oppel.
Looks like JRE is staying in NH today, and it has caught the attention of a Vermont news station. How cool.
Here's an odd tidbit: someone who campaigns for Evan Bayh posted the Newsweek pic of JRE in Indianola because there have been requests for it.
More buzz l8tr..
Tags: John Edwards, tour, poverty, mbair, health care, Benny's World, One America Committee, New Hampshire, Vermont, Iowa