Benny's World

Saturday, August 29, 2009

John and Elizabeth Edwards Reflections about Ted Kennedy

JRE and EE attended Teddy's service last evening. I didn't watch much of the service, but it looked nice. Reporters from the New England Cable Network spoke to JRE and EE before they went in.

If that doesn't work, go here.

It only seemed fitting that the two would be invited since Ted probably understood both of them with their separate issues.

(h/t to one carolina girl)

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Ted who Roared for Justice (open thread)

It's hard to believe that Ted Kennedy finally passed away last night. This was a senator that who for personal bad or for good, he did what he could for his state, and in many instances for all of us. Getting minimum wage raised, SCHIP, educational issues etc.

VOTUS Joe Biden, while attending a meeting at the Dept of Energy shared these reflections :

When Biden was a 29-year-old novice running for the Senate, Kennedy came to Delaware to campaign for him, corralling votes in Little Italy, where Biden said they rarely voted for a Democrat.

As a new senator, Biden lost his wife and daughter in a car accident that left his two sons clinging to life in a hospital. Biden said Kennedy called every day and often sent help. “I’d turn around and there’d be a specialist from Massachusetts, some doc I never even asked for,” the vice president recalled.

Mostly, Biden said, he “restored my sense of idealism and my faith in the possibilities of what this country could do.”

Wiping tears from his eyes, Biden said Kennedy’s love of country and public service was “infectious when you were with him … you could just see it in nature of the debate. … He was never defeatist, he was never petty, he was never small.” In the process, said the vice president, “he made everybody he worked with bigger, both his adversaries and his allies.”

Video courtesy of Politico.

Share your thoughts about Ted Kennedy in the comments. I have two memories I wish to share, but have to locate transcripts or videos or both first.

Note from Howard Dean: the Kennedy family has a condolences and memories online book set up.

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Red Window

Elizabeth Edwards held a grand opening for her new furniture store on Saturday. The store is called Red Window and it's based on a charity store her mother had in Japan. She buys furniture in Hot Point, then sells at wholesale prices.

Here's a video clip:

Elizabeth Edwards called the store a family endeavor. On hand for the opening was her assistant manager and 11-year-old daughter Emma Claire, along with John Edwards."I do more moving furniture than anything else," John Edwards said. "This is Elizabeth's deal, but everybody in the family is trying to help support her."

Update: The Durham Herald Sun has more about Elizabeth and her purchasing methodology, and also how she was able to locate the store.

Next year while I am in NC for a meeting, I hope to go visit the store and catch up with some former campaign volunteers.

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