Benny's World

Friday, July 04, 2008

Yankee Doodle Dandee: Yours Truly

That's me (along with poligirl)..within an hour.

Because I was born on this special day in our country, I am a patriotic slob. Any time I am in attendance of a program that includes the playing of our national anthem, I get teary eyed. That's who and what I am as a person. I love my country, and that's why I'm an activist as well.

Off to my Momma's place today and for the weekend.

I'm closing with a birthday YT by Astrosirius. She made a good one dedicated to John Edwards but it works for any of his supporters.

Have a great 4th everyone!

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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Benny's World Salutes Elizabeth Edwards

Happy B-day, Elizabeth Edwards. You have inspired many of us with your determination to get health care coverage for all of us and still have time for your family. You have been a vocal advocate for media reform, something needed so much in our country. The Fourth Estate is in a mess, just as our country is. Yet, unfailingly you remain optimistic.

NCDem Amy got this right with this v-card for EE (done two years ago):

She is the "everywoman".

Hope your birthday is relaxing on your day, Elizabeth--at the summer place or wherever you and John, Emma Claire, and Jack are. On behalf of BW readers, we wish you the best!

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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Elizabeth Edwards & Coalitions are Pushing Obama on Health Care

The Politico is reporting that Elizabeth Edwards is leading a $40M campaign called Healthcare for America Now on July 8th at the National Press Club.

Our lady Elizabeth Edwards, Healthcare Guruess

Healthcare for America Now will unveil a $40 million effort, with the first ad buy being a $1.5 million in national print, online and broadcast advertising.
The group's goal is to provide "quality, affordable health care for every American," and it obviously dovetails with the Obama campaign's promise of providing universal health care. The group will spend $25 million in paid media, while also funding 100 organizers involved in events around the country.

Healthcare for America Now coalition is comprised of a who's who list of progressive organizations such as, ACORN, Americans United for Change, Campaign for America's Future, Center for American Progress Action Fund, National Education Association, Planned Parenthood, the Service Employees International Union, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, United Food and Commercial Workers, and National Women's Law Center. Many state organizations are also participants.

Many of these organizations are also participating in John Edwards' Half in Ten poverty Initiative.

Elizabeth Edwards is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress (CAP) Action fund, thus it is not totally surprising that she is leading the effort. Sam Stein at HuffPo reported that Elizabeth Edwards said yesterday that Elizabeth continued her criticisms of McCain's plan with this comment (not certain if it was a conference call or not):

Often Republicans try to skate by the issue of health care without putting out a plan...John McCain didn't do that he completely breaks that mold, nit only does he have a plan he has posed the most radical plan in this race, the most radical plan in my lifetime... It ignores what happens in people's lives, how the insurance industry has worked in the past, and will work in the future, and it ignores other kinds of deregulations.

CAP pointed out that in 2009, McCain's plan would cut a family with $40K in income's taxes by $50, but by 2013, as the value of the credit erodes, this family's taxes would increase more than $1,100. By 2018, they will be paying over $2,800 more.

Will you stand with Elizabeth Edwards to obtain health care for all of us? If you're ready, click here and sign up. Elizabeth is obviously pushing Obama's promise on good health care coverage for all.

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