Saturday, September 27, 2008
Cool Hand Luke: The Grace of Paul Newman
Paul Newman passed away. Luckily, his family was around him when he died last night.
Labels: benny's world, Paul Newman
Avg Joe is Right About McSame
And I know Joe Biden wouldn't wish to do this, but he feels compelled to speak out.
(h/t to Desmoinesdem at Bleeding Heartland)
Labels: benny's world, Bleedingheartland, Joe Biden, Presidential Race 2008
Go Home, To Alaska
Protest at an Irish bar in Philly about Sarah Palin, who was watching the debate last night at that location.
Jeepers, did she bring Trig and try to nurse him there?
Go home, to Alaska, Sarah. Obviously, some of your ilk think you need to put country above your lack of experience or not blinking.
Labels: benny's world, Kathleen Parker, Sarah Palin
Friday, September 26, 2008
Benny's Grandmother: Debate is in Your Town
Labels: Barack Obama, benny's world, John McCain, Presidential Race 2008
WH Deserves a Bum Steer Award

McPalin was so bent in helping Main Street this week, even to suspend his campaign. Bush asked the bi-partisans to be our
Meantime, there are others in the bleeding heartland, but the White House's Office of Budget Management believes this is too much to help the foreclosed and unemployed Average Joe because it costs too much money.
Wow, what a revelation!
A 2nd stimulus package is proposed by the Dems and perhaps in the moment of the perception Dems caving in, the WH suddenly has gone back to regular programming after "McCain Faux Populist Interruptus".
From Think Progress:
Today, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released a statement of administrative policy today recommending Bush veto a proposed second stimulus package. The $56.2 billion package, announced yesterday, would extend unemployment benefits for seven weeks, increase food stamp benefits by 10 percent, and provide $50 million for food banks, among other proposals. This afternoon, Senate conservatives successfully blocked the bill, as the motion to proceed won 52 votes, eight shy of the necessary 60.
In the press briefing today, just an hour before the Senate vote, Dana Perino said the White House opposed the measure, specifically citing its extension of unemployment and food stamp benefits as explanation:
PERINO: There’s some elements of the package that have been put forward by Democrats that we do not think would be stimulative to the economy, such as unemployment insurance. The food stamps, we believe we have met the need.
Doesn't any of the Fush ilk observe that perhaps if folks had an extension on unemployment benefits, they may be able to look for jobs longer and pay a bit back on mortgages. No. To quote a non-reality character, " Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" once the Dems signaled they could
Food stamps are enough, if you do or don't qualify...right.
I don't get the connections. Or maybe I do.
Labels: benny's world, Bum Steers Awards, George Bush, John McCain, Republicans
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Mc Palin: Quarterbacks Not Ready to Play?

John McCain is allegedly putting country first by suspending his campaign to go back to DC, after not making one vote since April 18. He also wants to postpone the debate tomorrow evening.
Here are the real reasons he's "putting country first".
From the Politico:
A McCain aide told Politico Wednesday night that the campaign is proposing to the Presidential Debate Commission and the Obama camp that if there's no bailout deal by Friday, the first presidential debate should take the place of the vice presidential debate, currently scheduled for October 2 in St. Louis.
I don't think Palin is ready to debate Biden, especially as her interview with Katie Couric wasn't one of her better ones. She only knows how to respond to Fox News pundits, who throw her softballs.
McCain isn't ready either.
Obama was on target in his response:
“It’s my belief that this is exactly the time the American people need to hear from the person who in approximately 40 days will be responsible with dealing with this mess," he told reporters in Florida, where he has been prepping for Friday's event. "What I think is important is that we don’t suddenly infuse Capitol Hill with presidential politics," he said.
He also took a real shot at McCain: "Presidents are going to have to deal with more than one thing at a time," Obama said. "It’s not necessary for us to think that we can do only one thing, and suspend everything else."
Meantime, Congress needs to work for us. Even the Wall Street Journal concurs with this opinion:
Last we checked, the President of the United States was still George W. Bush, the Secretary of the Treasury was still Henry Paulson, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve was still Ben Bernanke, and Congress still had 533 members not running for President who are at least nominally competent to debate and pass legislation.So count us as mystified by Senator John McCain's decision yesterday to suspend his campaign and call for a postponement in Friday's first Presidential debate so that he and Barack Obama can work out a consensus bill to stabilize the financial system. This is supposed to be evidence of leadership?
And the WSJ editors agree (to a certain extent) with Obama too:
The behavior of both candidates has an air of running for political cover. Neither of them need master the subtleties of credit default swaps and mortgage-backed securities in time for their debates. But it would be reassuring to know that they are at least capable of holding, and sticking to, a coherent position on what is now the most important issue of the campaign. When one of them becomes President, he won't have the luxury of pressing the "pause" button at the next crisis.
McCain and his second string are panicking. Not good in the middle of a crisis nor good for their campaign.
Update: a milk carton in DC

(h/t Bob Geiger)
Labels: Barack Obama, benny's world, John McCain, Presidential Race 2008, Sarah Palin
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Benny's World Says: Change the Debate
Sign the petition here by Media Matters.
Labels: benny's world, Debates, Media Matters, Presidential Race 2008
Hey Traders: Leave Our Money Alone
Traders, don't you get the hint? We don't wish to bail you out with your seven figure bonuses and parachutes without getting something in return.
Congressmen, you don't need to leave DC until you come up with a solid plan. Senator Dodd has a start, but it isn't good enough. Remember Congress: you work for us.
Labels: benny's world, Financial Services crisis
Monday, September 22, 2008
Garden of the Gods

Colorado Springs...and where I was conceived in fall 1958, and 40 years later, where I had my first long weekend with my spouse in becoming a couple. One might say I have an "attachment" to the place.
I do and will always.
The picture says it all. And likely my burial will be there too, but not thinking too much about it, other than alpha to omega, at times.
Thanks to AM for the pics.
Labels: Aaron Myers, benny's world, Colorado, Garden of the Gods
Congress Helped Bankers Get Into the Mess
You also know that the Bush/Paulson
Congress had better ask a lot of questions before it shifts this much burden to the taxpayer and shifts this much power to a Washington bureaucracy.
Imagine that the political balance of power in Washington were different.
If this were a Democratic administration the Republicans in the House and Senate would be demanding answers and would be organizing for a “no” vote.
I concur with Glenn Greenwald that bi-partisan debate is healthy.
I still trust no Bush.
Labels: benny's world, Devilstower, Financial Services crisis, Glenn Greenwald, Hank Paulson, Newt Gingrich
Sunday, September 21, 2008
George Will Validates Benny's World
On today's ABC's This Week, George Will validated what I wrote on Friday.
It was as clear to him as to me and my readers that McCain did not appear "Presidential" in the midst of financial crisis. The rest of the panel seemed to concur.
(video clip courtesy of NcDemAmy)
Labels: BarackObama, benny's world, John McCain